Through demand we have now started a lighting division, we source the best fittings direct from the manufacturer offering our customers more than competive prices for the best fittings available.

We offer a full HaLVE 5year guarantee on all our fittings simply due to us being confident in what we sell.....

We do a Relux of the area and the LUX required for the areas use and then offer a true cost saving and payback to see if the upgrade is financially viable.


Call Us Today: 01902 601 777 | 24Hour Emergency: 01902 601 777 opt 4

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We take great pleasure from our history of customer satisfaction and the fact that our engineers have been around long enough to give the old school service and values that really puts customers first, which we feel is lacking within the industry, without compromising on new regulated guidelines.

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Call Us On: 01902 601777