We have vast knowledge in old and new High Voltage Equipment ensuring by earthing, upgrading or simply maintaining, your equipment is in safe hands.

We pride ourselves with our past history of never not being able to get a customer's supply back on line, this is through years of working on different and all types of switchgear and through this knowledge we are respected within our industry.

We can source replacement transformers and switches with ease and offer maintenance packages to ensure a majority of issues are found and repaired before the need to replace.

We have a number of switching engineers who receive up to date training, we have worked alongside all the DNO's and have an ongoing relationship with the suppliers which inturn makes any major works easier to either install or rectify.

Call Us Today: 01902 601 777 | 24Hour Emergency: 01902 601 777 opt 4

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We take great pleasure from our history of customer satisfaction and the fact that our engineers have been around long enough to give the old school service and values that really puts customers first, which we feel is lacking within the industry, without compromising on new regulated guidelines.

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Call Us On: 01902 601777